The WorldPRP™' Treatment

Say goodbye to all of those signs of aging and damaged skin
advanced treatment that harnesses your body’s own natural power to heal itself.

The WorldPRP™’ Treatment

The WorldPRP™’s is combined with microneedling therapy (or collagen induction therapy) which causes micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate new collagen and elastin, the power duo of microneedling and PRP can improve skin texture and tone, minimize the appearance of pores, smooth wrinkles and fine lines and minimize the appearance of hyperpigmentation and scarring (acne, stretch marks, you name it).

Platelet-rich plasma, commonly referred to as liquid gold or PRP, can be used to enhance cellular rejuvenation. Platelet-rich plasma treatments harness the natural healing abilities of the body by using your own concentrated blood products to revitalize damaged tissue.

Why Platelets Rejuvenate Skin
Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. The PRP, injected into specific areas of the skin, acts as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts as to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. In this way, PRP softens wrinkles and creates smoother skin texture and tone.

What exactly is PRP, though?
When blood is placed into a centrifuge, it separates into three distinct layers: plasma on top, platelets and blood cells in the middle, and red blood cells at the bottom. When platelet-rich plasma is reintroduced to skin on its own through a non-invasive procedure, cell turnover is stimulated, and in turn, collagen and elastin production is ramped up for a plumper, tighter, and smoother complexion.

PRP for Hair Restoration
Those suffering from thinning hair or hair loss now have this option for non-invasive treatment in platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) hair restoration. When it comes to hair loss, the theory is that platelets, injected deep into the scalp to reach the bottom of the hair follicle, may stimulate and boost the blood supply to the follicle, thickening the hair shaft, and stimulating and sustaining the growth phase of the hair.The recommended protocol for optimal results is 6-8 sessions at 2-week intervals.

The WorldPRP™’s  hourglass tube is the first versatile tool capable of producing PRP tailored to all requirements, without sacrificing quality, quantity, or time.


  • Skin Texture
  • Skin Tone
  •  Wrinkles
  • Collagen Production

The Details

75 min

Starting From
$675 (15% OFF 3 TREATMENTS)


During the consultation, your service provider will go over your skin concerns and recommend the best treatment plan for you and your budget. Please note we charge $25 for our consultations and facial deposits to limit no show appointments, if you decide to proceed with any treatment the $25 will be applied to towards your treatment. We look forward to hearing from you.

Booking Appointments

Appointments can be made by phone or text 780-758-7727, for your convenience you can also book directly online. If you cannot find a convenient time using the online portal please call or text as there may be additional appointment times available that are not visible online. Please note we charge a $25 deposit for all our facial bookings to eliminate no show appointments, the $25 you paid at the time of the booking will be applied to your final invoice.

Promote the formation of collagen and elastin with PRP

PRP is a natural way to improve skin rejuvenation and reverse signs of aging