No one can tell there used to be a scar


Scars don’t have to be permanent marks on your skin, especially on your face. Our professional scar repair treatments physically breakdown and reduce old scar tissue as well as stimulating the production of new collagen tissue to replace it or firm and plump the skin’s creases to improve texture.

Treating Acne Scars With Fractional Treatments

Non-Ablative laser resurfacing at Forever Young Laser Skin Rejuvenation can also target scars resulting from acne. Since it has the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin’s surface, various degrees of acne scarring can be treated. Specific acne scars will be assessed to determine the number of sessions required to achieve desirable results. Factors that should be considered include the depth and type of indentation, whether it be icepick (narrow and sharp), boxcar (roundish with vertical edges), or rolling (scars that appear to be undulating on the skin). Also, discolouration, known as post inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), will be assessed.

It is highly recommended that breakouts have subsided or are under control before you begin your series of acne scarring treatments since active acne often leads to the creation of more acne scars. The technology that we use is the Palomar StarLux® 500 with the Lux1540™ Fractional Laser Handpiece, which is a patented resurfacing process.

Palomar™ Fractional Skin Resurfacing

The Palomar fractional laser is the latest generation in skin resurfacing technology. The Palomar fractional laser smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin discoloration, scarring, malasma, stretch marks as well as offers mild skin tightening, but without the downtime or mild to moderate redness associated with other skin resurfacing technologies.

Benefits Of Laser Skin Resurfacing:

  • Improves tone, texture and pore size
  • Improves pigmentation,melasma
  • Erases unwanted brown spots
  • Smooths acne and surgical scars
  • Removes fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves Periorbital wrinkles
  • Blotchy skin

Is Laser Skin Resurfacing For You?

If you can answer “YES!” to any of these questions, skin rejuvenation may be able to improve your appearance.

  • Does your skin seem lackluster and dull, making you look older than you really are?
  • Have you noticed new wrinkles or fine lines on your face?
  • Do you see age spots or blotches from tanning or spending time outdoors?
  • Does the size of your pores make you feel self-conscious?
  • When you look in the mirror, are you bothered by acne scaring?

Palomar fractional skin resurfacing treatments are effective only when performed in a series of sessions because each session treats only 20 to 25 percent of the skin. By treating just a percentage of the skin, the surrounding untreated skin drives the healing process, filling in the treated area with healthy, more youthful looking skin. The “fractional” treatment of the skin creates seamless, radiant skin without the unwanted side effects associated with other skin resurfacing technology.

What Are The Benefits Of Palomer Laser Treatments?

The Palomar fractional skin resurfacing laser provides similar results as ablative lasers, but offers the gentle benefits of the non-ablative treatment with little to no downtime. Because the revolutionary technology of the Palomar laser bypasses the outer layer of skin, make-up can be applied immediately following the session. Some people are able to return to work and social obligations the same day as the treatment. Other people may require more time to heal, depending upon their skin condition and treatment. Your service provider can better explain how the Palomar laser treatment will fit into your schedule

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of sessions will depend upon the condition treated. On average, an effective treatment regimen is 3 or 4 sessions, spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart. Depending on the severity of the condition being treated, it could take up to six treatments. Results are immediate and progressive. Over the course of two or three months, new collagen begins to form, creating healthy, more youthful skin.

How Are Palomer Fractional Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatments Performed?

Safety goggles are worn by both the patient and the esthetician. The esthetician treats one area at a time, cooling the area before moving onto the next section. No topical anesthetic is required because of the unique sapphire cooling tip. The cooling tip helps control the temperature of the skin, making the treatment a comfortable experience. A treatment session may last just over an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Is Palomer Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatment Painful?

No, most people find that a Palomar laser session is comfortable. The Palomar laser has a unique sapphire cooling tip that cools the skin before, during and after each pulse light, making the treatment comfortable to most people. Most patients describe the treatment as having a mild “snapping” sensation or sunburn sensation.

What Should I Expect After A Palomer Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatments?

For the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel like it is sunburned and it will appear slightly pink or red with some mild to moderate swelling. The redness or pinkness will fade in a few hours. As you continue treatment, the redness or pinkness process will repeat. Using a moisturizer will help to reduce the flakiness

How Does It Work?

laser is technically known as a “fractional resurfacing” laser. It’s called fractional because it only targets a fraction of the skin in the treatment area, and then triggers your body’s own healing response to complete the rejuvenation process. laser laser light passes through patented optics to penetrate the skin with very small thermal channels, only as deep as a few sheets of paper. The micro-dots of treated skin begin healing and, as collagen remodels, your skin’s inner radiance begins to shine through.

The benefit of treating only a fraction of the skin is that it reduces downtime and helps you heal faster. The untreated skin surrounding the microscopic laser “hot spots” allows for more effective tissue healing and production of new collagen.


Within about a week of treatment, most of our patients see improvements in skin texture, tone, and discoloration. More significant improvements in fine lines and skin tightness can be revealed after several treatment sessions. The formation of new collagen and elastin continues after each treatment session. Continued improvements are usually seen for up to 3 months after the last treatment.

Other Treatments To Consider

If laser skin rejuvenation sounds appealing to you, you might also want to consider the following treatments in conjunction with or instead of laser:

  • Chemical Peels
  • Clear And Brilliant
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)


Scar Removal-Patient Pamphlet

Please download and view the Scar Removal-Patient Pamphlet.

We offer our patients payment plans to make packages more affordable. As always, If you have any questions or concerns please call us directly 780-758-8225 or email with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

Visibly reduce scarring

Scars can be signs of great memories, but for some of them you just want to end that story. At Forever Young Laser Skin Rejuvenation we have the most comprehensive list of treatments to reduce skin scarring. Regain your confidence by claiming back your scar-free skin with the right treatment: skin smoothness with no downtime.